Garage Sale June 11th & 12th

 Thanks again to family and friends for helping out!
It was a GRAND success!!!!

 * * *UPDATE* * * Garage Sale Details* * *UPDATE* * *

Saturday, June 11 and Sunday June 12th            
8am - 4pm, both days

Our Front Yard & Driveway & Side Yard & Back Yard, if need be
9041 Rosewood Drive Sacramento, CA 95826       

Computer * Printers* Fridge *Freezer* Furniture* Camping stuff (including a big tent)* Clothes*Shoes* Sewing machines* Pet stuff * Books * all kinds of electronics (and yes, they work!)
.. and boxes of stuff I haven't even opened yet...  

And, of course, lots of fabulous handmade Cards, Tags and Calenders!!  
Come on by, we'd love to see ya!


"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breath free..."

Oh, wait.. that's already been taken.

Ok- how 'bout:

Give us all the stuff in your house you don't want anymore!! 

June 11th and 12th we are have a garage sale to help offset some of our adoption costs.   So if you would love to donate to our cause and you've got stuff in your house that you would love to get rid of, we would love love love to come pick it up any time between now and Friday, June 10th.