Friday, May 6, 2011

A small step

We have decided that we really can't "choose" an agency until there's more money in the bank.  Just opening the figurative door to an agency cost several thousand dollars.  So our focus has switched to the garage sale in June.  After that, I hope we can feel a little more comfortable talking with folks. 
I did sign us up for a informational orientation in June (ironically, it's the Tuesday before the garage sale) with Adoption Connections.  They are based in San Francisco, and do these orientations frequently at their office in SF; however the one in June is in Sacramento (Yay! no driving!).   Craig's cousins Jeny & Nick successfully adopted through them and had a great experience, so we are excited to learn more about them.  It's also helpful that someone in the family has recently gone through the adoption process - makes it just a little less intimidating!

A shout out to our Easter Bunny (well, bunnies, plural) who brought us a BE-U-TI-FUL dining room table and chairs a couple weeks ago!! We've been wanting a new dining room set since, well, we got the old one.  (It was a hand-me-down, and while it served it's purpose quite well - it wasn't the most stable and had seen better days).  The "new" one is also a hand-me-down, but you wouldn't know it, and the best thing is that it all matches!!!  What's also exciting is that now we get to sell our table at the garage sale. 

   Thanks, EB Perman!

1 comment:

  1. That's great! I'm glad you guys are able to get into an meeting with AC and in Sac!! Let me know if you guys have an questions. Love you guys!!
